National Handloom Development Corporation Limited
(A Government of India Undertaking, Ministry of Textile)
Registered & Corporate Office, Noida (UP)
Regd. Office: A-2 to A5, Sector 2, Udyog Marg, Noida,
Gautam Buddha Nagar - 201306 (UP)
No: NHDC/HR/DR/25/1
Date: 15-03-2025
National Handloom Development Corporation Limited (NHDC), a Public Sector Undertaking under Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India is a National Level Agency to assist the speedy development of the Handloom Sector by coordinating all action covering the procurement and supply of inputs at reasonable prices augmenting the marketing efforts of State upgrading the technology in the Handloom Sector & improving productivity.
To meet the growth plans, NHDC Limited intends to engage the following personnel for its offices located across India. The details are:
1) Company Secretary- (01 UR Category)
Code: CS-FA/DR/25/1/01
A) Educational Qualification
- Associate Company Secretary-ship/ Fellow Company Secretary-ship.
- Degree in Law with specialization in Corporate Laws OR CA/ICWA/MBA will be an added advantage.
- Working knowledge of computer like ERP, MS office, Accounting Packages, usages of Internet etc. will be preferred.
B) Post Qualification Experience
Minimum 08 yrs. Secretarial and Managerial experience, out of which 04 yrs. experience in the scale of 40000-140000 (IDA) or its equivalent in a reputed organization of Central/State Govt./ PSU/ Private Sector. (The minimum CTC required in case of Private sector should not be less than Rs. 11,72,293/- in any of the 4 years.)
- No. of Post: 01 (UR)
- Pay Scale: 50000-160000
- Age: Not exceeding 40 Years.
- Gross Pay (at minimum of basic pay): Rs.105800/- p.m. (approx)
- Other Benefits: In addition to Gross pay (i.e Basic+IDA+HRA+CA) other fringe benefits e.g. Gratuity, Leave Encashment, Conveyance loan etc. are admissible as per the rules of the Corporation.
General Conditions: -
i) Method of Selection: Selection shall be made through Interview for which will be held at NHDC LTD, Registered & Corporate Office - Noida only. Appointment will be made on regular basis and only Indian Nationals need to apply.
ii) The selected candidates will be placed on probation for one year from the date of joining NHDC. The period of probation shall be regulated as per terms & conditions of the Corporation. Subject to the requirement of the corporation and suitability of the candidate.
iii) The appointment will be made on minimum of pay scale + IDA. However, Competent Authority reserves right to sanction additional increment to the exceptionally deserving candidate as per rules of the Corporation.
iv) Corporation has its presence across the country and incumbent on selection may be posted/ transferred anywhere in India.
v) Departmental Candidates with requisite qualification & experience working in the next lower scale will only be considered. In such cases internal candidates shall be given age relaxation of 5 years over the prescribed age limit, however this benefit shall be applicable only to those employees who are in service of corporation since last 03 yrs.
vi) Those working with Central/State Government & Public Sector Undertakings must apply through proper channel only.
vii) Reservation and age relaxation for SC/ST/OBC/PWD/EWS/Ex-Servicemen shall be as per Govt. directives.
viii) Candidates belonging to OBC category are required to produce the recently obtained OBC certificate (Non creamy layer, not older than 6 months as on date of advertisement) in the format prescribed by the Govt. of India, issued by the Competent Authority.
ix) Outstation candidates called for interview will be eligible for TO & FRO by shortest route on production of proof of journey(AC 2 tier ).
x) The Candidate should be of sound health & have to provide a fitness certificate from a Govt. Registered Medical practitioner at the time of joining in the prescribed format.
xi) Application Fee: Rs. 500/- to be remitted using Credit/Debit Card/Net banking/UPI for the transaction of application fee, as only online payment is applicable from 15-03-2025 to 05-04-2025. No other mode of payment is acceptable. No fee is payable by SC/ST/PWD & Internal candidates. Application without the prescribed fee would not be considered and summarily rejected. No representation against such rejection would be entertained. Fee once paid shall not be refunded any circumstances nor can the fee be held in reserve for any other examination/section.
xii) Self-attested scan copies of Educational, Experience & Salary certificates as mentioned in the advertisement must be uploaded by the candidates while submitting the online application. Without such certificates, their candidature will not be considered.
xiii) Mere fulfilling the minimum requirement of qualification and experience will not vest any right on the candidates to be called for the interview. NHDC reserves the right to shortlist the candidates based on the nature of past relevant experience, acquired post and prescribed qualification.
xiv) The decision of NHDC about the mode of selection of eligible candidates, shortlisting of candidates for interview/written Test & group discussion etc. shall be final and binding. No correspondence will be entertained in this regard. Canvassing in any manner would entail disqualification of candidature.
xv) Corporation reserves the right to shortlist the candidates, in case applications are received in large number for any post. In such cases, maximum 10 applicants per post/vacancy shall be called based on order of merit of higher qualification in the following manner:
Sr. No. |
Commercial |
F&A |
HR |
1 |
Degree |
Degree |
2 |
Diploma |
CA/ICWA(Inter) |
Diploma |
xvi) If the candidate does not fulfill any of the conditions given in the detailed advertisement his/her candidature will be cancelled at any stage on scrutiny whenever the discrepancy is noticed.
xvii) In case of selection to the above post, such selection shall be provisional subject to verification of character and antecedents of the candidate and verification of the documents submitted by the candidate and subject to meeting the requisite medical standards for the post and other requirements as decided by NHDC.
xviii) Shortlisted candidates will be informed for interview through e-mail only.
xix) Candidates called for the interview/ written tests are required to bring original testimonials, two passport size photographs, last pay/salary certificate and experience certificates with them.
xx) The details of the selected candidates shall be displayed on the website of the Corporation and no communication to this effect shall be entertained by the Corporation.
xxi) Candidate is allowed to apply against one post only. Application for more than 01 post is not allowed.
xxii) The cutoff date for considering the age and experience of candidates will be taken as 01st March 2025.
xxiii) In case of any ambiguity/ dispute that arises on account of interpretation in versions other than English, English version will prevail.
xxiv) For any dispute matter will be referred under the jurisdiction of High Court of Allahabad.
xxv) Corporation reserves the right to accept or reject all or any application without assigning any reason whatsoever.
1. Please read the detailed advertisement and all the instructions carefully before filling the online application form.
2. Applicants are advised not to wait till the last date and time to submit their applications.
3. Applicants meeting the requirements notified may submit their application through online mode from 15-03-2025 to 05-04-2025 and the facility can be accessed through our website (Career Page).
4. Applicants are required to ensure that all certificates/documents towards caste certificate, proof of age, qualification, experience & pay to be scanned with self-signature along a recent passport size color photograph to be kept ready for uploading before commencement of the online application process. Application submitted directly or by any other mode will not be accepted.
5. Applicants should have a valid E-mail ID and Mobile number. It should be kept active during the entire recruitment process. All important communication will be sent on the registered E-mail ID only.
6. Applicants are required to upload the following while filling application form:
i. Latest Color Passport size photograph on light background in jpg/png format with maximum size upto 02MB.
ii. Scanned copy of signature on white paper with Black Ink pen in jpg/png format with maximum size upto 02MB.
iii. Scanned copy of caste certificate, each educational qualification & experience/service document in jpg/pdf/png format with maximum size of 05 MB per document.
7. Applicants should not submit more than one application. Application once submitted cannot be withdrawn and fee once paid will not be refunded in any case.
8. After applying online, applicants should retain a copy of the online application print out possessing the unique registration number generated by the system for their reference. It is important to note that, the unique registration number will be obtained only upon successful submission of online application.
9. Applicants need to send hardcopy of online application form along with self-attested copies of all supporting certificates/documents towards age proof, caste, qualification, experience & pay/salary Certificate by post on or before 14th April 2025 on the address given below:
Dy. Manager (HR),
National Handloom Development Corporation Limited,
A2 to A5, Udyog Marg, Sector 2, Noida-201301 (U.P.)
10. Applicants should ensure that all the entries have been correctly filled in and application submitted successfully. Filling of garbage/junk details in any of the fields can lead to rejection of the application.
11. Application must be complete in all respects as per the Advertisement Notification. Please note that incomplete applications will not be considered.
Opening Date for submitting Online Applications |
15th March 2025 |
Last Date for Online submission of Application Form |
5th April 2025 |
Last Date for Hardcopy Documents submission |
14th April 2025 |
For any technical queries/clarifications relating to the filling up of ONLINE APPLICATION, please feel free to contact the helpdesk at Email: or Phone No: 0120-2329600 (Monday to Friday 9:30 AM - 6:00 PM).